How to use this advisor
Select the nation you're playing in the Main Menu and the advisor will know your point requirements
for the Late Iron Age
Each turn that you might buy Civilization Cards, you may check the box in the "Pick" column and the
advisor will tally the total cost of the cards you're considering. Select and deselect until you're happy,
note the cost, pay it in the game and click the green "Buy" button. The red "Reset" button will clear all
your current choices, but not undo previous "Buy" actions. To clear everything you've bought, use the
"Delete all data!" button in the Main Menu.
This advisor will track the Civilization card requirements of each age in the A.S.T., but it doesn't
know how many cities you have, so when it says you're qualified for the next age, you might not be, due to
a lack of cities.
You can optionally enter your Trade Card sets, your unmatched commodities and treasure tokens to have
the guide show you only show the cards you can afford—or almost afford, if you are dithering about
holding back a few cards.