What just happened to American Mensa?
Material is added to this library rather often, with the newest at the bottom.
- The Road to Hurst is Paved With Potholes
- Matt Crawford
- Statement re National Hearings Committee Decision
- Michael Eager
- Statement of Kelly-Marie Jones
- Kelly-Marie Jones
- Fair and Impartial—a criticism of AML's disciplinary process
- Matt Crawford
- Executive Capture of Mensa's Disciplinary system
- Anonymous, via MPolM
- Current Mensa Chaos
- Michael Eager
- Can they even do that? (an excerpt from New York law)
- New York Not-for-Profit Corporation law
- Mensa hearings were very different, and we were warned about the current system
- Sander Rubin
- The past is prologue
- The Judy Dosse hearings
- No special elections!
- Why American Mensa cannot hold special AMC elections
- Can we get a quorum?
- The AML certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws are silent on what constitutes a quorum. So what does New York law say?
- The AMC Coup Continues
- Michael Eager
- Caught in the act!
- This screen capture shows Chair Lori Norris caught in the act of violating Bylaws IX(5)(a), by being a "Participant" in the Hearings Committee.
- Dispelling some falsehoods
- A lot of good information is going around, and some wrong stories. This footnoted article addresses some of the latter.