Directors in Exile

What just happened to American Mensa?

Material is added to this library rather often, with the newest at the bottom.

The Road to Hurst is Paved With Potholes
Matt Crawford
Statement re National Hearings Committee Decision
Michael Eager
Statement of Kelly-Marie Jones
Kelly-Marie Jones
Fair and Impartial—a criticism of AML's disciplinary process
Matt Crawford
Executive Capture of Mensa's Disciplinary system
Anonymous, via MPolM
Current Mensa Chaos
Michael Eager
Can they even do that? (an excerpt from New York law)
New York Not-for-Profit Corporation law
Mensa hearings were very different, and we were warned about the current system
Sander Rubin
The past is prologue
The Judy Dosse hearings
No special elections!
Why American Mensa cannot hold special AMC elections
Can we get a quorum?
The AML certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws are silent on what constitutes a quorum. So what does New York law say?
The AMC Coup Continues
Michael Eager
Caught in the act!
This screen capture shows Chair Lori Norris caught in the act of violating Bylaws IX(5)(a), by being a "Participant" in the Hearings Committee.
Dispelling some falsehoods
A lot of good information is going around, and some wrong stories. This footnoted article addresses some of the latter.