There can be no special election

This argument refers the AML Bylaws Article VI sections 1-2, the entire text of which is included below, with emphasis added. It also refers to Robert's Rules of Order, which apply to the AMC decision process as our Actions Still in Effect make clear, under "Some Principles of Interpretation," (56:68 in 12th ed.), that

If the bylaws authorize certain things specifically, other things of the same class are thereby prohibited. There is a presumption that nothing has been placed in the bylaws without some reason for it. There can be no valid reason for authorizing certain things to be done that can clearly be done without the authorization of the bylaws, unless the intent is to specify the things of the same class that may be done, all others being prohibited.

The remains of the current AMC propose to hold an election for new RVCs. The removal of the RVCs already elected was illegal, as has been demonstrated elsewhere. This article will not reargue that point. However, any election of AMC members outside the normal three year cycle would be a violation of the bylaws.

First, the bylaws do make provision for elections at three year intervals. They make no provision for any other election of AMC members, except election by the AMC itself to fill a vacancy in a nationally-elected seat. Therefore, the bylaws forbid any other elections for the AMC.

Second, the bylaws requirements cited below place requirements on each election, and these requirements cannot be fulfilled by the election the seven AMC members propose to hold.

It is ironic that to resolve a problem that followed from a secret allegation of violation of some unspecified bylaw, the seven remaining AMC members are intent on violating clear and specific bylaws.

Matt Crawford, 2024 Feb 17

Bylaws Article VI

(1) No later than the AMC meeting following each Annual Gathering, the American Mensa Committee shall appoint an Election Committee consisting of three to seven members, none of whom shall be a member of the American Mensa Committee. The Election Committee shall be chosen from among members disinterested in the outcome of the election, and selected for their ability to assist in the conduct of elections. The Election Committee shall be responsible for the conduct of the election, including but not limited to the establishment, updating and publication of a detailed Code of Election Procedures, the preparation of ballots and written material, the distribution of ballots, and the selection of the independent agency to record and count the returned ballots, and the publication of election results. ` The Code of Election Procedures shall not be changed or amended between submission for publication as stated herein and the day following the official announcement of the ballot election results. Each newly appointed Election Committee must affirmatively adopt a Code of Election Procedures for each election. No later than the deadline for the January issue of the journal preceding each election, the Election Committee shall submit the Code of Election Procedures to the journal for publication therein, or shall submit the Code to another national publication for publication therein, or shall send the same by mail to the membership. If the Code is submitted to the journal, it shall be published in the next available issue.

(2) No later than the December 1st preceding each election, the Election Committee shall publish in the journal a notice to the effect that nominations by petition for the elective offices shall be directed to the Election Committee at an address to be given in the notice, accompanied by the signatures of at least 250 members in good standing as of that December 1st for national offices and 100 members in good standing as of that December 1st for regional offices (Regional Vice-Chairmen), in a format prescribed by the Election Committee, said petitions to reach the Election Committee not later than the January 31st preceding the election.

ASIEs Section 1

B. Procedures at Meetings. 1. Robert’s Rules of Order. The AMC shall be guided by and conduct itself according to the most current edition of "Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised," modified to permit the Chair to speak, vote, and to make motions only concerning appointments and consent agenda approval, and to permit the Parliamentarian, if they are a voting member of the AMC, to speak, vote and make motions, and to allow a mover to amend a pending motion at any time before a vote is taken. 2003-066 13-Dec-2003 (last amended 18-May-2016 by 2016-005)